大师论道|职业发展与科技创业大讲堂Finding Your Own Mountain Peak



上海科技大学iHuman研究所创始所长。Raymond Stevens是国际著名结构生物学家,长期从事GPCR的结构与信号机理研究, 其课题组在糖尿病、肥胖等人类重大疾病相关的G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR)结构生物学及功能研究领域取得多项重大成就。在过去的三十年中,Raymond Stevens共发表高水平研究论文339篇,在Cell、 Nature 和Science 等国际顶尖科学期刊上累计发表研究论文50余篇。

Raymond Stevens亦积极开展转化研究,其研发的上市药物包括:Nesina, Kuvan, Pegvilase, Zeposia, Botox,也曾成功创办多家科技型企业。Raymond Stevens曾获得中华人民共和国国际科学技术合作奖、上海市“白玉兰荣誉奖”、赵承嘏国际创新奖等荣誉称号。


The famous Roman phrase “Carpe Diem” means “seize the day”.  I interpret this as “make the most of each day while working towards a higher goal”.

As you journey through life like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, finding your passion or mountain peak that you want to climb is important, it becomes your beacon to work towards a fulfilled life but it is often challenging to find and it takes time and patience to succeed.

 In this discussion, I want to engage with students to help define a process to help you find your mountain peak.